CashFlow Investing is based on the Concept by Mr Robert Kiyosaki, where the Strategies/Mindset of Investing formulated Primarily for Cashflow collection, Secondarily for Capital Gains.

I see it as a business model similar to "Insurance", "Vehicle Rental", "Property Rental". Where you manage/own assets which generates Cashflow Income on a consistent, shorter term, manageable, predictable & acceptable basis.

It is not a Get-Rich Quick, One-Time jackpot kind of strategies where you can retire quickly, but a consistent system which I use personally which will & can replace your working Income over time, leading to Retirement.

Caution - Formulated Systematically to lead to Retirement in 8 years.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

58th TRADE (19/01/2017)

Hi Guys,

Its nearing to AMD's earnings report on 31st Jan 2017. So there's a take profit mania going on. Its currently trading near $10 & below, thus its a good buy to get in. Nett Cashflow spent is USD $5899.13

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