CashFlow Investing is based on the Concept by Mr Robert Kiyosaki, where the Strategies/Mindset of Investing formulated Primarily for Cashflow collection, Secondarily for Capital Gains.

I see it as a business model similar to "Insurance", "Vehicle Rental", "Property Rental". Where you manage/own assets which generates Cashflow Income on a consistent, shorter term, manageable, predictable & acceptable basis.

It is not a Get-Rich Quick, One-Time jackpot kind of strategies where you can retire quickly, but a consistent system which I use personally which will & can replace your working Income over time, leading to Retirement.

Caution - Formulated Systematically to lead to Retirement in 8 years.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Updates (24/11/2015) - 3rd Withdrawal

Hi Guys,

I've made a withdrawal yesterday, amount withdrawn is USD $630.00 (Fees - USD$30 + S$10) nett amount to be received in SG Bank account will be S$878.43

The amount will be used to pay the Maybank Loan taken for the additional funds added into the account on 23rd Oct 2015.

Funds received in my Singapore Local account:

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

39th TRADE (19/11/2015)

Hi All,

Remember my positions in NBG (National Bank of Greece), selecting this volatile counter as a Real Example for CashFlow generation.

Hence, this round, I'm generating Cashflow out again using same Risk Exposure, same amount of Capital dollars, I am able to squeeze Cash out with Time.

As below, I've "moved" 2 positions from November expiry to December 18, 2015, but I managed to collect Total Nett Cashflow of USD $2,239.41 ($462.48 + $1,776.93)

Nett Cashflow collected: USD $1,015.23 - USD $552.75 = USD $462.48

Nett Cashflow collected: USD $9,053.38 - USD $7,276.45 = USD $1,776.93

*Refer to Disclaimer

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Updates (10/11/2015) - 2nd Withdrawal

Hi Guys,

I've made a withdrawal yesterday, amount withdrawn from account is USD $630.00 (Fees - usd$30 + s$10) nett amount to be received in SG bank account will be S$882.08 .

This amount will be used to pay the Maybank loan taken for the additional funds added into the account on 23rd Oct 2015.

Funds received in my Singapore Local account: