CashFlow Investing is based on the Concept by Mr Robert Kiyosaki, where the Strategies/Mindset of Investing formulated Primarily for Cashflow collection, Secondarily for Capital Gains.

I see it as a business model similar to "Insurance", "Vehicle Rental", "Property Rental". Where you manage/own assets which generates Cashflow Income on a consistent, shorter term, manageable, predictable & acceptable basis.

It is not a Get-Rich Quick, One-Time jackpot kind of strategies where you can retire quickly, but a consistent system which I use personally which will & can replace your working Income over time, leading to Retirement.

Caution - Formulated Systematically to lead to Retirement in 8 years.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

29th TRADE (21/07/2015)

Hi People,

As per last weekend, I've a order which was exercised, meaning i got assigned 22lots of SD shares, so to not waste time, lets place some trade order.

Exercised Trade, Funds utilised USD $2,212.95

New Trade Order, collected Nett Cashflow USD $36.80

*Refer to disclaimer

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

28th TRADE (14/07/2015)

Hi Guys,

Noticed that i have Extra USD $1k in my account sitting ducks enjoying the comfort of the "Air-conditioning" I decided to put them to work. Below are the latest trade order for 1month, collected Nett Cashflow of USD $166.80

*Refer to disclaimer

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

27th TRADE (02/07/2015)

Hello CashFlow People,

A long wait for DRYS order to be filled, as DRYS is facing volatility on the downside, thus it took a while for my order to be filled. Also I have to modify my order duration of expiry to December. Collected Nett Cashflow of  USD $167.68 , details as below.

*Refer to disclaimer