Hi Everyone,
As per earlier posting, due to reverse split of NBG to NBGGY from 15-1. Now trading under pink sheet OTC, unable to create cashflow, instead of waiting for it to "increase" in value, I've decided to let go of NBGGY to continue the Cashflow system.
Also extra of USD $2850 funds have been received on 22nd Dec 2015 as per below screenshot.
Placed the below trades of closing NBGGY & Cashflow Positions. Nett Cashflow received USD $335.22
*Refer to Disclaimer
CashFlow Investing is based on the Concept by Mr Robert Kiyosaki, where the Strategies/Mindset of Investing formulated Primarily for Cashflow collection, Secondarily for Capital Gains.
I see it as a business model similar to "Insurance", "Vehicle Rental", "Property Rental". Where you manage/own assets which generates Cashflow Income on a consistent, shorter term, manageable, predictable & acceptable basis.
It is not a Get-Rich Quick, One-Time jackpot kind of strategies where you can retire quickly, but a consistent system which I use personally which will & can replace your working Income over time, leading to Retirement.
Caution - Formulated Systematically to lead to Retirement in 8 years.
Friday, December 25, 2015
Monday, December 21, 2015
Updates (22/12/2015)
Hi All,
One last position being exercised for NBGGY to buy in, spent net amount USD $112.95
*Refer to Disclaimer
One last position being exercised for NBGGY to buy in, spent net amount USD $112.95
Due to the reverse stock split of NBG, instead of owning 207lots of NBGGY, I'm now holding 12.82lots of NBGGY shares. As this, the amount of Cashflow generation will greatly be reduced. So I'll be funding in additional amount via another loan.
I'll apply for UOB Loan amount of s$20,500, to clear off the existing remaining amount in Maybank of s$16,690.65 & remit the rest to my account.
*Refer to Disclaimer
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Updates (16/12/2015)
Hi All,
NBG was delisted from the NYSE as it has been trading below $1 for 6mths, thus when it was delisted, it was considered trading on "pink sheet". In short, trading on exchange such as stock & options are taken offline. Once options are taken offline we wont be able to price & position according to CBOE, resulting in disabling Cashflow creation.
This is a first time learning experience for me in such a senario. During the delisting of NBG, they undergo a Reverse Stock Split of 15:1 . I'm also been exercised on my Covered Sell Options, totally my National Bank of Greece share holdings to 1276 shares (12.76 lots).
Then the new symbol of NBG is NBGGY now. Cash available in account is USD $1,923.83 , to continue having CashFlow, I'll be topping up additional funds in, to make total amount above $5k.
Total amount used to own NBGGY is USD $13,025.90
NBG was delisted from the NYSE as it has been trading below $1 for 6mths, thus when it was delisted, it was considered trading on "pink sheet". In short, trading on exchange such as stock & options are taken offline. Once options are taken offline we wont be able to price & position according to CBOE, resulting in disabling Cashflow creation.
This is a first time learning experience for me in such a senario. During the delisting of NBG, they undergo a Reverse Stock Split of 15:1 . I'm also been exercised on my Covered Sell Options, totally my National Bank of Greece share holdings to 1276 shares (12.76 lots).
Then the new symbol of NBG is NBGGY now. Cash available in account is USD $1,923.83 , to continue having CashFlow, I'll be topping up additional funds in, to make total amount above $5k.
Total amount used to own NBGGY is USD $13,025.90
Thursday, December 3, 2015
40th TRADE (04/12/2015)
Hi All,
Firstly, let me give you guys an update regards to my positions on NBG (National Bank of Greece), since delisting has commenced due to the price of its share which is below $1 for a period of time.
I've received an email on the reverse stock split 15 to 1 on NBG so that they can "pump" up the share price above $1 to maintain's its listing on NYSE. Currently still halt on trading till further announcement of the date. As for the system I'm using, I'm not at risk in fact advantages as I'm a seller of Options for Cashflow, thus time is passing fast for me. I do hold some NBG stocks, fully paid, so not much of an issue. Email annoucement as below:
Lastest Trade order below, is Not a Cashflow Trade but a Capital Gains Trade which I'm testing, 1 day duration.
Net Profit Collected: USD $74
*Refer to Disclaimer
Firstly, let me give you guys an update regards to my positions on NBG (National Bank of Greece), since delisting has commenced due to the price of its share which is below $1 for a period of time.
I've received an email on the reverse stock split 15 to 1 on NBG so that they can "pump" up the share price above $1 to maintain's its listing on NYSE. Currently still halt on trading till further announcement of the date. As for the system I'm using, I'm not at risk in fact advantages as I'm a seller of Options for Cashflow, thus time is passing fast for me. I do hold some NBG stocks, fully paid, so not much of an issue. Email annoucement as below:
Lastest Trade order below, is Not a Cashflow Trade but a Capital Gains Trade which I'm testing, 1 day duration.
Net Profit Collected: USD $74
*Refer to Disclaimer
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Updates (24/11/2015) - 3rd Withdrawal
Hi Guys,
I've made a withdrawal yesterday, amount withdrawn is USD $630.00 (Fees - USD$30 + S$10) nett amount to be received in SG Bank account will be S$878.43
The amount will be used to pay the Maybank Loan taken for the additional funds added into the account on 23rd Oct 2015.
Funds received in my Singapore Local account:
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
39th TRADE (19/11/2015)
Hi All,
Remember my positions in NBG (National Bank of Greece), selecting this volatile counter as a Real Example for CashFlow generation.
Hence, this round, I'm generating Cashflow out again using same Risk Exposure, same amount of Capital dollars, I am able to squeeze Cash out with Time.
As below, I've "moved" 2 positions from November expiry to December 18, 2015, but I managed to collect Total Nett Cashflow of USD $2,239.41 ($462.48 + $1,776.93)
Nett Cashflow collected: USD $1,015.23 - USD $552.75 = USD $462.48
Nett Cashflow collected: USD $9,053.38 - USD $7,276.45 = USD $1,776.93

Remember my positions in NBG (National Bank of Greece), selecting this volatile counter as a Real Example for CashFlow generation.
Hence, this round, I'm generating Cashflow out again using same Risk Exposure, same amount of Capital dollars, I am able to squeeze Cash out with Time.
As below, I've "moved" 2 positions from November expiry to December 18, 2015, but I managed to collect Total Nett Cashflow of USD $2,239.41 ($462.48 + $1,776.93)
Nett Cashflow collected: USD $1,015.23 - USD $552.75 = USD $462.48
Nett Cashflow collected: USD $9,053.38 - USD $7,276.45 = USD $1,776.93
*Refer to Disclaimer
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Updates (10/11/2015) - 2nd Withdrawal
Hi Guys,
I've made a withdrawal yesterday, amount withdrawn from account is USD $630.00 (Fees - usd$30 + s$10) nett amount to be received in SG bank account will be S$882.08 .
This amount will be used to pay the Maybank loan taken for the additional funds added into the account on 23rd Oct 2015.
Funds received in my Singapore Local account:
I've made a withdrawal yesterday, amount withdrawn from account is USD $630.00 (Fees - usd$30 + s$10) nett amount to be received in SG bank account will be S$882.08 .
This amount will be used to pay the Maybank loan taken for the additional funds added into the account on 23rd Oct 2015.
Funds received in my Singapore Local account:
Friday, October 23, 2015
38th TRADE (23/10/2015)
I've taken another loan to fund my account, but this time round I'll be paying of the loan systematically using the Cashflow generated, thus no money from my own pocket. I understand that under Traditioal Accounting, any amount I made is mine, any amount I pay off is also from my pocket. But my own view, as long as I didn't pay a single cent from my own pocket from beginning to end, its not from my pocket.
Total Loan: S$18,451.16 taken, funded into account : USD $10,500.00 (Click for details)
New Trade order executed, Collected nett Cashflow of USD $1,756.24 , expires on 21st Nov 2015.
Using the extra Cashflow collected, I've placed an order to buy in NBG shares directly, 1500 shares (15lots), spent nett USD $1,354.50
*Refer to disclaimer
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
37th TRADE (02/10/2015)
Hi Everyone,
As per my last blog update, to shift my positions & funds into NBG (National Bank of Greece), i do still have 2 other counter open positions which I've placed closing orders. One of them was executed/filled, another one is still pending due to price.
Spent Nett USD $42.67 to close the position.
Having spare Cash on hand, so added on to NBG another 1100 shares costing Nett USD $519.20
*Refer to disclaimer
As per my last blog update, to shift my positions & funds into NBG (National Bank of Greece), i do still have 2 other counter open positions which I've placed closing orders. One of them was executed/filled, another one is still pending due to price.
Spent Nett USD $42.67 to close the position.
Having spare Cash on hand, so added on to NBG another 1100 shares costing Nett USD $519.20
*Refer to disclaimer
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
36th TRADE (29/09/2015)
Hello Everyone,
Market have been volatile since China market went into correction starting June 2015. Also the fall in Commodities & oil prices have the whole world seems like going into deflation. Fed didn't raise rates in September, personally I would prefer that they raise rates so as to impact the direction of the market as a whole.
Market is prepared for the interest rate rise, since it'll happen sooner or later, might as well start earlier. As the market self will correct itself, I've decided to exit from SD & DRYS to capitalise into NBG. Below are the Cashflow received after moving positions to NBG.
Nett Cashflow collected : USD $27.61 + USD $247.24 = USD $ 274.85
Cash Returned after releasing from positions such as DRYS & SD, Nett in USD $ 2,114.85
*Refer to disclaimer
Market have been volatile since China market went into correction starting June 2015. Also the fall in Commodities & oil prices have the whole world seems like going into deflation. Fed didn't raise rates in September, personally I would prefer that they raise rates so as to impact the direction of the market as a whole.
Market is prepared for the interest rate rise, since it'll happen sooner or later, might as well start earlier. As the market self will correct itself, I've decided to exit from SD & DRYS to capitalise into NBG. Below are the Cashflow received after moving positions to NBG.
Nett Cashflow collected : USD $27.61 + USD $247.24 = USD $ 274.85
Cash Returned after releasing from positions such as DRYS & SD, Nett in USD $ 2,114.85
*Refer to disclaimer
Thursday, September 3, 2015
35th TRADE (03/09/2015)
Hi Everyone,
I've place another direct share purchase in SD counter costing me USD $294.95. Then created a Cashflow out of it. Received Nett Cashflow of USD $52.90
I've place another direct share purchase in SD counter costing me USD $294.95. Then created a Cashflow out of it. Received Nett Cashflow of USD $52.90
*Refer to disclaimer
Thursday, August 27, 2015
34th TRADE (27/08/2015)
Hi Everyone,
I've a pre-order placed about 3weeks ago, finally it got executed.
Collected Nett Cashflow USD $54.15
I've a pre-order placed about 3weeks ago, finally it got executed.
Collected Nett Cashflow USD $54.15
*Refer to disclaimer
Monday, August 24, 2015
33rd TRADE (25/08/2015)
Hi Guys,
Recent 2 days the market is on a downward trend, for those who are speculating or trading for capital gains, I do hope that you're on the correct side of the page to win, else you might be one of those who are badly burnt.
Anyway for those who are on Value Investing for Cash. Congratulations, its a Great chance to increase your positions for more CashFlow. I've added another trade to expire on 19th Sept, Nett Cashflow USD $81.97
Recent 2 days the market is on a downward trend, for those who are speculating or trading for capital gains, I do hope that you're on the correct side of the page to win, else you might be one of those who are badly burnt.
Anyway for those who are on Value Investing for Cash. Congratulations, its a Great chance to increase your positions for more CashFlow. I've added another trade to expire on 19th Sept, Nett Cashflow USD $81.97
*Refer to disclaimer
Sunday, August 23, 2015
32nd TRADE (22/08/2015)
Hello you there,
I've noticed that since NBG isnt anywhere moving above $1 per share in the near term. I would allow one order to be exercised to purchase 17lots (1700 shares) of NBG. Below you'll see the order being realised for me to own 17lots.
Costs me Nett Cash USD $3,412.95
I have another NBG position due to "own" 10lots (1000 shares) on 22/08/2015, but I decided to roll it further to November to fetch another round of Nett Cashflow USD $134.51

I've noticed that since NBG isnt anywhere moving above $1 per share in the near term. I would allow one order to be exercised to purchase 17lots (1700 shares) of NBG. Below you'll see the order being realised for me to own 17lots.
Costs me Nett Cash USD $3,412.95
I have another NBG position due to "own" 10lots (1000 shares) on 22/08/2015, but I decided to roll it further to November to fetch another round of Nett Cashflow USD $134.51
With Extra Cash in the account, I need to select a counter to "Invest" them, I've added additional numbers into SD. Required nett Cash USD $1063.26
*Refer to disclaimer
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
31st TRADE (20/08/2015)
Hi Guys,
NBG Cashflow position expired last Friday. While waiting for updates from Greece on their first bailout fund to determine my next positions, based on the outlook that the 1st round of funds will highly be approved to restore the bank's liquidity. But even so, the market isn't responding optimistically thus I've decided to deploy my position now.
Collected Nett Cashflow USD $735.95 for Nov expiration.
*Refer to disclaimer
NBG Cashflow position expired last Friday. While waiting for updates from Greece on their first bailout fund to determine my next positions, based on the outlook that the 1st round of funds will highly be approved to restore the bank's liquidity. But even so, the market isn't responding optimistically thus I've decided to deploy my position now.
Collected Nett Cashflow USD $735.95 for Nov expiration.
*Refer to disclaimer
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
30th TRADE (04/08/2015)
Hi Everyone,
There's a couple of orders placed here. To start off, lets look at the previous trade on SD . I own 2200 shares(22 lots) of SD.
So here's the order for SD, collection of Nett Cashflow USD $169.97
New positions due on 2nd week (15th) of Aug 2015, (-$77.04 + $173.49)
Nett Cashflow Collected USD $96.45
*Refer to disclaimer
There's a couple of orders placed here. To start off, lets look at the previous trade on SD . I own 2200 shares(22 lots) of SD.
So here's the order for SD, collection of Nett Cashflow USD $169.97
Here's my other position National Bank of Greece (NBG), due to expire in 3rd week of Aug 2015, since the new bailout funds isnt coming in anytime by 20th Aug, why don't I shift my due date earlier to ensure that I "avoid" the unknown volatility. I'm not a gambler, I'm a Cashflow Investor, I position myself in a informed position.
Buy Back:
New positions due on 2nd week (15th) of Aug 2015, (-$77.04 + $173.49)
Nett Cashflow Collected USD $96.45
*Refer to disclaimer
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
29th TRADE (21/07/2015)
Hi People,
As per last weekend, I've a order which was exercised, meaning i got assigned 22lots of SD shares, so to not waste time, lets place some trade order.
Exercised Trade, Funds utilised USD $2,212.95
New Trade Order, collected Nett Cashflow USD $36.80
*Refer to disclaimer
As per last weekend, I've a order which was exercised, meaning i got assigned 22lots of SD shares, so to not waste time, lets place some trade order.
Exercised Trade, Funds utilised USD $2,212.95
New Trade Order, collected Nett Cashflow USD $36.80
*Refer to disclaimer
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
28th TRADE (14/07/2015)
Hi Guys,
Noticed that i have Extra USD $1k in my account sitting ducks enjoying the comfort of the "Air-conditioning" I decided to put them to work. Below are the latest trade order for 1month, collected Nett Cashflow of USD $166.80
Noticed that i have Extra USD $1k in my account sitting ducks enjoying the comfort of the "Air-conditioning" I decided to put them to work. Below are the latest trade order for 1month, collected Nett Cashflow of USD $166.80
*Refer to disclaimer
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
27th TRADE (02/07/2015)
Hello CashFlow People,
A long wait for DRYS order to be filled, as DRYS is facing volatility on the downside, thus it took a while for my order to be filled. Also I have to modify my order duration of expiry to December. Collected Nett Cashflow of USD $167.68 , details as below.
A long wait for DRYS order to be filled, as DRYS is facing volatility on the downside, thus it took a while for my order to be filled. Also I have to modify my order duration of expiry to December. Collected Nett Cashflow of USD $167.68 , details as below.
*Refer to disclaimer
Sunday, June 28, 2015
26th TRADE (28/06/2015)
Hello People,
As per last update 5 days ago, I still have 1 trade order not filled yet for DRYS. At the time being while my Spare Cash is enjoying their time in the account enjoying aircon, I decided to get them out there to work for me.
Deployed a new Trade order yesterday before U.S market closes, collected Nett CashFlow of USD $173.42 , also rolled an existing position down for additional nett CashFlow of USD $41.56 , Totalling USD $214.98
New Position:
Existing position rolled:
*Refer to disclaimer
As per last update 5 days ago, I still have 1 trade order not filled yet for DRYS. At the time being while my Spare Cash is enjoying their time in the account enjoying aircon, I decided to get them out there to work for me.
Deployed a new Trade order yesterday before U.S market closes, collected Nett CashFlow of USD $173.42 , also rolled an existing position down for additional nett CashFlow of USD $41.56 , Totalling USD $214.98
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